I thought I'd post a few drawings from work. The first one is clicky pointing to his bottom, the second is a gap-toothed Clicky, and the third is a storyboard from one of our current projects on school bus safety. I find it ironic that at work I animate schoolbus safety content and I've been yelled at by parents on my street three times in that past two weeks. The speed limit on our street is 25 miles an hour, I know this because every other house on our block has a sign that says drive 25 keep kids alive. The first scolding happened after work a few weeks ago when i came driving down my street at 25 miles an hour. I noticed a little further down my street a woman, (some neighbor of mine) was raking leaves in the middle of the road, in the dark, with her four children. She jumps out glaring and yelling at me to slow down. I understand and commend her for being protective of her children, I will be that way someday I'm sure, but i wasn't even close to them and had every intention of letting them get out of the road as I passed. Very un-neighborly! The second incident was similar to the first and on a street perpendicular to mine, but the lady was much meaner looking and she shook her fist at me. Again, 25 miles an hour. The third incident happened at the bus stop by my house in the morning. The parents on my street accompany their kids to the bus stop and after the kids board the bus, they stand in the middle of the street and wave goodbye for two minutes and then begin chatting with each other, still standing in the middle of the road. As i was pulled up to the stop sign, a woman driving in front of me slammed on her brakes ten feet from the sign causing me to slam on my brakes two feet from her bumper. She gets out of her car, sneers at me and then lets her kids out of the minivan and acts as though I'm going to try and run them over. I think that the parents on my street want something to complain about and feel right about. I feel that my roommates and I are an easy target being that we are the only renters in a neighborhood of young families. I think it may be time to move.