This morning I was looking through some of my bookmarked blogs as I usually do and found this music meme on my friend Jared's blog. I thought, I have an Ipod that I never use, why not not use it today for something.
If your life were a soundtrack, what would the music be?
Here’s how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, winamp, media player, iPod).
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing.
5. New question– press the next button.
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool.
Opening credits:"Johnny Too Bad" Taj Mahal
Waking up:“Imagination" (is a powerful deciever) Elvis Costello
First day at school:"Evil" Interpol
Falling in love:“UYN" Clicky (UYN, great makeout music!)
Breaking up:"And She Was" Talking Heads (Thats peculiar)
Brown" Randy Newman
Life’s okay:"Surrender" Elvis Presley
Mental breakdown:"Universally Speaking" The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Driving:"Love and Peace or Else" U2
Flashback:"Losing My Religion" R.E.M.
Getting back together:"Save a Prayer" Duran Duran (Simon Le Bon saves my relationship??)
Wedding:"Suspicious Minds" Elvis Presley (Yikes! that doesnt bode well...)
Birth of child:“The Fly" U2 (Congratulations, its a fly!)
Final battle:“Get Your Freak On" (Remix) Missy Elliot Featuring Nelly Furtado
Death scene:"A Line in the Sand" Q and not U
Funeral song:"The Sweetest Victory" Touch (Rocky IV sountrack) (boom goes tha dynamite!)
End credits:"Son of Son of a Sailor" Jimmy Buffet